The Quest For Discovery

Jan Overduin – organ
Featuring images from the Hubble Telescope
Celebrating: 2009 - The Year of Astronomy
Saturday, May 30, 9:00 p.m. (note start time)
Tickets: $25/$20 (students & seniors)
All Saints Kingsway Anglican Church
2850 Bloor St. West, Toronto
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  The theme of this multimedia concert is the search for the “Lost Chord" as a musical metaphor for the pursuit of a unifed “Theory of Everything" in science. The pipe organ, with its rows of pipes, suggests the telescopes and particle accelerators of modern physicists as it tells the story of humanity's quest for physical understanding in a program of just over an hour. The concert takes place in darkness, with footage from the Hubble Space Telescope projected continuously on a screen. Propelled through space and time by the organ music, the audience is encouraged to let their minds drift in contemplation of the human need for truth, beauty and meaning in a vast and baffling universe.

  The Quest For Discovery was premiered in Waterloo, Ontario in 2007. The program from that first performance is provided here in a PDF file. Written by Dr. James Overduin, researcher in gravitation and cosmology at Stanford University and author of Dark Sky, Dark Matter (2003), the program explains how each piece in this 70 minute program is linked to a scientist and their discoveries, a testament to the Quest for Discovery from Galileo to Quantum Physics to the Unknown Future.